DAFTAR ISI Bagian 1 Mengenal Kosakata, Istilah, Singkatan, dan Akronim Bagian 2 Berkomunikasi di Dunia Bisnis Bagian 3 Job Interview Bagian 4 Meeting Bagian 5 Presentasi Bagian 6 Idion dan Fr…
CONTENTS 1 Purpose of Protective Relays and Relaying 2 Relay Design and Construction 3 The Main Characteristics of Protective Relays 4 Overcurrent Protection 5 Distance Relays 6 Switched and …
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Struktur dan Teori Dasar Struktur Bab 2 Teori Dasar Elemen Struktur dan Beban Bab 3 Teori Dasar Prinsip Perancangan Struktur Bab 4 Angka Kekakuan Beton Bab 5 Teori Dasar Peran…
AutoCAD merupakan salah satu program CAD keluaran Autodesk yang paling powerfull karena memiliki fitur-fitur beragam yang memudahakan para desainer dan perancang untuk mendesain suatu obyek gambar.…
Dalam buku ini Anda akan mendapatkan hal-hal berikut ini: - Materi 2D lanjutan seperti menggambar Isometrik untuk pemipaan, mengelola Block, Xref dan Annotative Object. Anda juga akan belajar mena…
Events Management: For Tourism, Cultural, Business, and Sporting Events, 5e is a comprehensive learning resource for students of the Diploma of Event Management and undergraduate students in Event …
Zeithaml's Services Marketing introduces readers to the vital role that services play in the economy and its future. Services dominate the advanced economies of the world, and virtually all compani…
The second edition of Corporate Real Estate Asset Management is fully up to date with the latest thought and practice on successful and efficient use of corporate office space. Written from an occu…
Managing Sustainable Tourism tackles the tough issues of tourism such as negative environmental impact and cultural degradation, and provides answers that don't sacrifice positive economic growth. …
This textbook provides students with an essential introduction to the theoretical underpinnings and practicalities of managing the marketing of events. In order to market events effectively, it is…
The development of tourism has historically been characterised by enterprising individuals. Small businesses are the backbone of the tourism and hospitality industry. However, entrepreneurship and …
Siap menjadi SDM profesional yang pro-aktif, responsif, ramah-friendly, solusif, serta memuaskan pelanggan? Semua ada di dalam buku ini! Diulas secara sistematis dari mulai teori sampai praktik, a…
The tourism industry is in a constant state of flux, where trends and attitudes are frequently susceptible to outside influences, including factors such as technological and economic change. The Bu…
Olympiad mathematics is not a collection of techniques of solving mathematical problems but a system for advancing mathematical education. This book is based on the lecture notes of the mathematica…
Olympiad mathematics is not a collection of techniques of solving mathematical problems but a system for advancing mathematical education. This book is based on the lecture notes of the mathematica…
College Student Leadership Development introduces the idea that we all play a part in producing leadership and that learning how to participate in the process of leadership is something that all co…