DAFTAR ISI Bab I Hotel Bab II Courtesy Bab III Front Office Departement Bab IV Housekeeping Bab V Reservasi Bab VI Laundry Departement Bab VII Food and Beverage Bab VIII Table Manner Bab I…
This introductory textbook shows you how to apply the principles of marketing within the hospitality industry. Written specifically for students taking marketing modules within a hospitality cours…
Bab 1 Pengantar Akuntansi Manajemen Bab 2 Tinjauan Akuntansi Keuangan Hotel Bab 3 Laporan Arus Kas Bab 4 Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Hotel Bab 5 Teknik-teknik Forecasting Bab 6 Anggaran Operasio…