TABLE OF CONTENTS Module 1 Introducing Today's Technologies: Computer, Devices, and the Web Module 2 Connecting and Communicating Online: The Internet, Websites, and Media Module 3 Computers and…
TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I. Systems Analysis Fundamentals 1. Systems, Roles, and Development Methodologies 2. Understanding and Modeling Organization Systems 3. Project Management Part II. Infor…
This text is intended for an introductory digital design course for students at the freshman level; it also is intended for an introductory computer design course with assembly language programming…
CONTENTS Chapter 1 Fossil Fuels versus Biofuels: Perspectives on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Energy Consumptions and Projections Chapter 2 An Overview of Fossil Fuel and Biomass-based Integrated En…
TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I Resources, geochemical properties and environmental implications of geothermal water 1 A global assessment of geothermal resources 2 Reinjection of cooled water bac…
CONTENTS 1 Pre-Construction 2 Site Investigation 3 Site Works 4 Soil Improvement and Excavation 5 Materials 6 Plant 7 Foundations 8 Basement Construction 9 Ground Supported Floors 10 Susp…
Part A Fundamentals of Structiral Analysis Section A1 Elasticity Chapter 1 Basic Elasticity Chapter 2 Two-Dimensional Problems in Elasticity Chapter 3 Torsion of Solid Sections Section A1 Virt…
Cities around the world are becoming increasingly popular as economic powerhouses and magnets for migrants from rural and suburban areas. All big cities in First and Third World countries as well a…
CONTENTS 1 Developing of Aircraft Powerpalnts Reciprocating Engines 2 Theory & Construction 3 Lubication Systems 4 Fuel Metering & Induction Systems 5 Ignition Systems 6 Exhaust Systems 7…
CONTENTS I Artificial Intelligence 1 Introduction 2 Intelligent Agents II Problem Solving 3 Solving Problems by Searching 4 Beyond Classical Search 5 Adversarial Search 6 Constraint Satis…
CONTENTS 1 Types of Structures and Loads 2 Analysis of Statically Determinate Structures 3 Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses 4 Internal Loadings Developed in Structural Members 5 Cabl…
CONTENTS 1 Introduction to Information System 2 Organizational Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Information Systems 3 Ethics and Privacy 4 Information Security 5 Data and Knowledge Managem…
CONTENTS Part 1 Digital Marketing Fundamentals 1 Introducing Digital Marketing 2 Online Marketplace Analysis: Micro-Environment 3 The Digital Macro-Environment Part 2 Digital Marketing Strat…
This dictionary provides a synthesis of information currently available but only in a diverse array of sources. Through judicious choice and careful scrutiny, the author has gathered together a ver…
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Perbankan Bab 2 Perbankan dan Lembaga Keuangan Bab 3 Perbankan Syariah Bab 4 Sumber dan Penggunaan Dana Bank Bab 5 Jasa-jasa Perbankan Bab 6 Manajemen Perkreditan Bab 7 Mana…
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Dasar Telekomunikasi Bab 2 Perangkat Terminal dan Jenis Layanan Sentral Bab 3 Bentuk-bentuk Saluran Lokal Jaringan Telepon Bab 4 Teknologi Jaringan Lokal Akses Fiber Optik Bab…
Dinamika Tanah adalah cabang dari Mekanika Tanah yang membahas tegangan yang terjadi pada struktur tanah akibat beban dinamis seperti beban gempa, gelombang, perancangan tiang, maupun oleh operasi …
DAFTAR ISI bab 1 Ruang Lingkup Auditing Bab 2 Standar Auditing dan Tipe-Tipe Auditor Bab 3 Kode Etik Jabatan Bab 4 Penetapan Bukti Audit dan Dokumentasinya Bab 5 Kertas Kerja Audit Bab 6 Pere…