1 Basics of Reactive Power 2 Reactive Power Consumers 3 Effect of Reactive Power on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution 4 Reactive Power in Standard Energy Contracts 5 Methods…
1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction 3. The management of uncertainty 4. Developing risk responses 5. Other aspects of RAMP 6. Social and environmental risks in major infrastructure projects …
Chapter 1 Overview Chapter 2 Thermostats Chapter 3 Dampers and Damper Motors Chapter 4 Automatic Valves Chapter 5 Pneumatic Transmitters, Indicating Receivers, and Receiver Controllers Chapter…
Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Perencanaan Komponen Struktur Pemikul Gaya Tarik Bab 3 Perencanaan Komponen Struktur yang Memikul Gaya Aksial Tekan Bab 4 Perencanaan Komponen Struktur yang Memikul Momen…
Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Lilitan Stator Bab 3 GGL Induksi Generator Bab 4 Watak Generator Arus Bolak-Balik Bab 5 Regulasi Tegangan Bab 6 Hubungan Jajar Genarator Bab 7 Contoh Soal dan Latihan …
Bab 1 Perkembangan Perbankan Syariah Bab 2 Sistem Operasi Bank Syariah Bab 3 Kerangka Dasar Penyusunan dan Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Syariah Bab 4 Akuntansi Penghimpunan Dana Bab 5 Akuntansi M…
1 The Traditional Approach 2 The Critical Chain Approach 3 Benefits Realization Management 4 Earned Value Management 5 Agile Project Management
1. Introduction to 802.11ac 2. The PHY 3. The MAC 4. Beamforming in 802.11ac 5. 802.11ac Planning
1. Finance Theory: Do We Have a Science to Teach? 2. The Theory and Practice of Investment Management after the Crisis: Need for Change? 3. Teaching Finance: Can We Do Better? 4. What's Missing …
1 Historical Records 2 Deterioration 3 Assessment of Strength and Carrying Capacity 4 Examination 5 Preventive Maintenance 6 Economics 7 Asset Management 8 Diagnosis and Treatment 9 Use of …
1. The construction Environment 2. Construction Planning in Context 3. Early Decisions 4. Planning Techniques 5. Resources 6. Monitoring and Control 7. Management Information Systems 8. Plan…
1. Traditional and Niche Events in Sport, Recreation and Tourism [Cheryl Mallen and Lorne J. Adams] 2. The Concept of Knowledge in Event Management [Cheryl Mallen] 3. The Role of the Event Manage…
Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 The IEEE Standard for WLAN: IEEE 802.11 Chapter 3 Standards for Wireless Personal Area Networking (WPAN) Chapter 4 Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Acc…
1 Introduction 2 Solar Radiation 3 Fundamentals of Semiconductor Physics 4 Structure and Method of Operation of Solar Cells 5 Cell Technologies 6 Solar Modules and Solar Generators 7 Photovol…