CONTENTS Chapter 1 Two-Body Orbital Mechanics Chapter 2 Orbit Determination from Observations Chapter 3 Basic Orbital Maneuvers Chapter 4 Position and Velocity as a Function of Time Chapter 5 …
CONTENTS 1 Retail Logistics: Changes and Challenges 2 Relationship in the Supply Chain 3 The Internationalization of the Retail Supply Chain 4 Exploring the International Fashion Supply Chain a…
CONTENTS Chapter 1 Electricity Chapter 2 Resistors Chapter 3 Ohm's Law Chapter 4 Series Circuits Chapter 5 Parallel Circuits Chapter 6 Series-Parallel Circuits Chapter 7 Voltage Dividers and…
CONTENTS Chapter 1 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): An Overview Chapter 2 PLC Hardware Components Chapter 3 Number Systems and Codes Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Logic Chapter 5 Basics of P…
CONTENTS 1 Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials 2 Transformers 3 Electromechanical-Energy-Conversion Principles 4 Introduction to Rotating Machines 5 Synchronous Machines 6 Polyphase Indu…
CONTENTS PART 1 Materials Chapter 1 Electron Energy and States in Semiconductors Chapter 2 Homogeneous Semiconductors Chapter 3 Current Flow in Homogeneous Semiconductors Chapter 4 Nonhomogene…
CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Foundations-1: General 3 Foundations-2: Shallow Foundations 4 Foundations-3: Deep Foundations 5 Masonry-1: Stone Masonry 6 Masonry-2: Brick Masonry 7 Masonry-3: Com…
CONTENTS PART I - STATICS 1 Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics 2 Coplanar Collinear and Concurrent Forces 3 Coplanar Parallel Forces 4 Conditions of Equilibrium 5 Support Reactions 6 An…
CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems Chapter 2 Mathematical Models of Systems Chapter 3 State Variable Models Chapter 4 Feedback Control System Characteristics Chapter 5 The Perf…
CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Sinusoids 3 Spectrum Representation 4 Sampling and Aliasing 5 FIR Filters 6 Frequency Response of FIR Filters 7 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 8 Discrete Fourier …
CONTENTS 1 Basic Concepts of Measurement Methods 2 Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Signals 3 Measurement System Behavior 4 Probability and Statistics 5 Uncertainty Analysis 6 Analog Ele…
DAFTAR ISI Bab I Pendahuluan: Material dan Nanomaterial Bab II Nanomaterial Berpori dan Berlapis Bab III Nanomaterial sebagai Material Multifungsi Bab IV Aplikasi Nanomaterial dalam Bidang Ener…
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Sinyal dan Sistem Linier Bab 2 Proses Acak Bab 3 Modulasi Bab 4 Konversi Analog ke Digital Bab 5 Transmisi Baseband Digital Bab 6 Transmisi Digital Melalui Kanal Lebar Pita T…
DAFTAR ISI Bab I Pengenalan Jaringan Jalan Bab II Dasar-Dasar Teknik Lalu Lintas Bab III Konsep Hierarki dan Fungsi Jaringan Jalan Bab IV Perencanaan Teknik Jalan Bab V Jarak Pandang Bab VI A…
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Gejala Elektrik pada Berbagai Kesalahan Bab 3 Seleksi Besaran Ukur Bab 4 Teknik Memperoleh Besaran Ukur Bab 5 Rele Proteksi
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Pengenalan Elektronika Daya Bab 2 Pengenalan Komponen Saklar Daya Bab 3 Terminologi dan Konsep Sirkuit Daya Bab 4 Tegangan, Arus, dan Daya dalam Sirkuit Tiga Phasa Bab 5 Rangk…
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Pengantar Robotika dan Robot Bab 2 Dasar Arduino dan Pemrograman Bab 3 Dasar elektronika dan Perkakas Kerja Bab 4 Dasar Pembuatan Robot Dikemudikan Dua Roda Bagian Mekanik Bab…
Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Sifat-sifat Tanah Bab 3 Pemadatan Tanah Bab 4 Permeabilitas Tanah Bab 5 Tekanan dalam Tanah Bab 6 Kekuatan Geser Tanah (Shear Strength of Soil) Bab 7 Tekanan Tanah Lat…
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Sifat-Sifat Fluida Bab 2Hidrostatika Bab 3 Kinematika Zat Cair Bab 4 Aliran Permanen Seragam pada Saluran Terbuka Bab 5 Aliran Berubah Lambat Laun Bab 6 Aliran Berubah Tiba-T…
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Antena Cerdas dan Antena Larik Bab 2 Antena Larik Pita Lebar Bab 3 Metode Sintesa