TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I Introducing Organizing Essay Writing for Academic Purpose: A Process Approach Chapter II The Writer's Process Chapter III Introduction to the Essay Chapter IV The In…
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Sejarah Kedudukan & Fungsi Bahasa Indonesia Bab 2 Keterampilan Berbicara Bab 3 Paragraf & Kalimat Efektif Bab 4 Ragam Tulisan Bab 5 Proses Menulis Bab 6 Ejaan dan Tanda Baca …
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Noun Bab 2 Adjective Bab 3 Verb Bab 4 Adverb Bab 5 Pronoun Bab 6 Article (Artikel) Bab 7 Preposition Bab 8 Conjunction Bab 9 Interjection Bab 10 Simple Present Tense Bab…
Kosakata Bahasa Indonesia adalah buku yang disusun untuk membantu mahasiswa dan para pemakai Bahasa Indonesia agar semakin leluasa mengungkapkan konsep, pola pikir yang logis, kritis, sistematis se…
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Glancing Over Communication Strategies Chapter 2 Communication Strategy and Other Related Elements Chapter 3 Classification of Communication Strategy Chapter 4 Train…
DAFTAR ISI Chapter 1 Translation and Translator Chapter 2 Roles of Translation, Translator, and Tools for Translator Chapter 3 Types of Translation Chapter 4 Ideology of Translation Chapter 5 …
DAFTAR ISI Chapter I Requirements of Paragraph Writing Chapter II The Nature of Paragraph Chapter III The Structure of a Paragraph Chapter IV Characteristics of an Effective Paragraph Chapter …
DAFTAR ISI Bab 1 Sejarah dan Kedudukan Bahasa Indonesia Bab 2 Ejaan Bab 3 Kalimat Bab 4 Paragraf Bab 5 Perencanaan Karangan Bab 6 Diksi Bab 7 Notasi Ilmiah Bab 8 Konvensi Naskah Bab 9 Plag…
TABLE OF CONTENT Unit 1 Me, Myself, and I Unit 2 People Around Us Unit 3 He Loves Her Unit 4 I Do It Unit 5 I Did It Unit 6 I Will Do It
DAFTAR ISI Bagian 1 Mengenal Kosakata, Istilah, Singkatan, dan Akronim Bagian 2 Berkomunikasi di Dunia Bisnis Bagian 3 Job Interview Bagian 4 Meeting Bagian 5 Presentasi Bagian 6 Idion dan Fr…
Do you have a fear of transcription? Are you daunted by the prospect of learning and handling unfamiliar symbols? This workbook is for students who are new to linguistics and phonetics, and offers …
The best-selling workbook and grammar guide, revised and updated! Hailed as one of the best books around for teaching grammar, The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation includes easy-to-understand r…
This is a series of innovative courses from leading business English authors. Titles cover core business skills such as Presentations, Negotiations and Meetings as well as newer areas that focus on…
Learn and practice proven multiple choice strategies for reading comprehension and listening comprehension! If you are preparing for the TOEIC(R), you probably want all the help you can get! TOEIC…
Studies of multimodality have significantly advanced our understanding of the potential of different semiotic resources-verbal, visual, aural, and kinetic-to make meaning and allow people to achiev…
Vocabulary for TOEIC includes 10 self-study practice tests with answers for reference. All the vocabulary used in the books are highly recommended by experienced teachers and test instructors. The …
Cambridge English for Engineering develops the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of engineering professionals, enabling them to communicate more confidently and effecti…
The main focus of this book is to provide you with plenty of reading practices so that you will be confident in taking Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC). It is a self-studying…
Unit 1 Trik dan Cara Cepat Menjawab Soal Reading pada Test TOEFL Unit 2 Trik dan Cara Cepat Menjawab Soal-soal Cloze-Procedure Unit 3 Trik dan Cara Cepat Menjawab Soal-soal dalam TOEFL Unit 4 Tr…
This book is an International Passport to passing any English language examination. It is designed to assist learners excel and standout in any English Language examination globally. It is simply e…