Modul 1 Ruang Lingkup Pendidikan Pancasila Modul 2 Pancasila dalam Tinjauan Historis dan Kultural Modul 3 Pancasila sebagai Sistem Filsafat Modul 4 Hubungan Nila-nilai Pancasila dengan Pembukaan…
Modul 1 Pengantar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Modul 2 Wawasan Nusantara Modul 3 Ketahanan Nasional Modul 4 Ketahahan Nasional Indonesia dalam Menghadapi Era Global Modul 5 Politik dan Strategi N…
Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Karakteristik Kewirausahaan Bab 3 Intrapeneurship Bab 4 Kepribadian, Tempramen, Watak Bab 5 Membangkitkan dan Memilih Ide Bisnis Bab 6 Motivasi Berprestasi Bab 7 Jalan…
Bab 1 Klasifikasi & Sifat Bahan Teknik Bab 2 Bahan Isolator Bab 3 Bahan Isolator Gas Bab 4 Minyak Trafo Bab 5 Bahan Isolator Padat Bab 6 Bahan Konduktor Bab 7 Bahan Semi Konduktor
Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Karakteristik Fisik Tanah Bab 3 Klasifikasi Tanah Bab 4 Pemadatan Bab 5 California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Bab 1 Bank Sentral Bab 2 Lembaga Keuangan Bank Bab 3 Manajemen Bank Umum Bab 4 Manajemen Bank Syariah Bab 5 Manajemen Kredit Bab 6 Analisis Risiko Bank Bab 7 Analisis Kesehatan Bank
Bab 1 Konsep Dasar Gardu Induk Bab 2 Sistem Busbar Gardu Induk Bab 3 Transformator Tenaga Gardu Induk Bab 4 Pemutus Tenaga (PMT) Bab 5 Pemisah (PMS) Bab 6 Lightning Arrester (LA) Bab 7 Transf…
Love stories with a difference... There's a kiss by a fireside that was a mistake, there's a man-hating aunt by the seaside, and a gunman in Texas wanting a fight. There's a white heron flying over…
London: November. Terrorists blow up the Queen's coach outside Parliament. The Queen escapes, but five people are killed, and forty others badly hurt - ordinary, innocent people, like Alan Cole, th…
Sometimes I think this search is hopeless. So much has happened since I last saw my friends. Perhaps they have died or the rebels have taken them away. But I know I have to find Laker. I know she n…
'When we are happy, we are always good,' says Lord Henry, 'but when we are good, we are not always happy.' Lord Henry's lazy, clever words lead the young Dorian Gray into a world where it is better…
John Duncan was an honest man, but he needed money. He had children to look after. He was ready to do anything, and his bosses knew it. They gave him the job because he couldn't say no; he couldn'…
When men find gold in the frozen north of Canada, they need dogs - big, strong dogs to pull the sledges on the long journeys to and from the gold mines. Buck is stolen from his home in the south an…
For a child in the great city of Venice in the thirteenth century, there could be nothing better than the stories of sailors. There were stories of strange animals, wonderful cities, sweet spices, …
What are the most beautiful, the most interesting, the most wonderful things in the world? The Great Pyramid, the Great Wall of China, the Panama Canal - everyone has their favourites. And there ar…
Some call it football, some call it soccer, and to others it's the beautiful game. By any name, it's a sport with some fascinating stories. There is a game that lasts for two days where many player…
Thousands of years ago, people looked out across an ocean and asked themselves, 'What is on the other side?' And the bravest of them began to travel and find the answers - beautiful islands, frozen…
It's a terrible problem - or it's really not as bad as people say. There will be sudden big changes - or slower changes that we can learn to live with. It means the end for many animals, people, ev…
There are many different Irelands. There is the Ireland of peaceful rivers, green fields, and beautiful islands. There is the Ireland of song and dance, pubs and theatres - the country of James Joy…
Every four years, the world's best athletes come together for one of the most exciting competitions in sport: the Olympic Games. After years of training, competitors in more than forty different sp…