Bab 1 Konsep Wireless Bab 2 Konsep Frekuensi Bab 3 Konsep Kanal Bab 4 Switching Bab 5 Base Station System Bab 6 Mobile Station Bab 7 Traffic Cases Bab 8 Cell Planning
Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Bahasa dan Ilmu Hukum Bab 3 Penalaran dan Kepastian Hukum Bab 4 Bahasa Indonesia di Dalam Bahan Hukum Bab 5 Hubungan Bahasa Indonesia yang Baik dan Benar dengan Kepastia…
Bab 1 Teori Keselamatan Kerja Bab 2 Teori Kesehatan Kerja Bab 3 Aplikasi Kesehatan Kerja Bab 4 Aplikasi K3 Bidang TIK Bab 5 Metode Pelaksanaan K3 Bab 6 Hubungan K3 dan Ergonomi Bab 7 Ergonomi…
Bab 1 Pengenalan Konsep Digital Bab 2 ALJ-Boolean dan Analisis Rangkaian Digital Bab 3 Desain Rangkaian Logika Bab 4 Rangkaian Multivibrator (Sequensial) Bab 5 Rangkaian Pengolah Data Bab 6 Si…
Bab 1 Bisnis dan Lingkungan Bisnis Bab 2 Globalisasi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Internasional Bab 3 Bentuk Organisasi Bisnis Bab 4 Pengelolaan dan Pengorganisasian Bisnis Bab 5 Manajemen Sumber Daya Ma…
Bab 1 Satuan dalam Saluran Transmisi Bab 2 Pendahuluan Bab 3 Saluran Dua Kawat Sejajar Bab 4 Rambatan Gelombang Bab 5 Tegangan Arus dan Karakteristik Impedansi Bab 6 Saluran Transmisi yang Ses…
Chapter 1 General Principles Chapter II SImple Machines Chapter III The Symbolism of Mathematics Chapter IV Objects and Functions Chapter V Workshop Practice
Chapter 1 Communication Skill Chapter 2 Business Correspondence Chapter 3 The Sentence Types Chapter 4 Writing CV Chapter 5 Writing an Application Letter Chapter 6 Interview
Bab I Lendutan Pada Balok Bab II Tekuk Pada Kolom Bab III Tegangan Akhibat Momen Lentur dan Gaya Normal
Bab 1 K3 Mekanik Bab 2 K3 Pekerjaan Konstruksi Bab 3 K3 Pesawat Uap Bab 4 K3 Bejana Tekan Bab 5 Kesehatan Kerja Bab 6 P3K di Tempat Kerja Bab 7 Penyakit Akibat Kerja Bab 8 K3 Petir Bab 9 K3…
Pagi Itu Utrech - Amsterdam Untukmu Matahari Surban Keabadian Lautan Ilmu Lautan Tak Bertepi Bahasa Nurani Suatu Siang di KBRI Den Haag Dari Utrech ke Den Haag Gerimis Jumat Pagi Nyany…
Bab 1 Konstruksi Sambungan Bab 2 Poros dan Pasak Bab 3 Ulir Penggerak
Bab 1 Metode Numerik dan Metode Analitik Bab 2 Penyelesaian Sistem Persamaan Lanjar Bab 3 Persamaan Nir Lanjar (Non Lanjar) dan Penyelesaiannya Bab 4 Penyelesaian Differensiasi Numerik Bab 5 Pe…
It was just a smooth round metal ball, less than a metre in diameter. Although it was still hot from its journey through the huge nothingness of space, it looked quite harmless. But what was it, ex…
An English rose garden on a summer's day. A small boy watches with interest as his great-aunt cuts the deadheads off the rosebushes with a sharp knife. What could be more peaceful, more harmless? …
On a beautiful summer evening in the quiet town of Marlow, a young woman is walking home from church. She passes a man who is looking at the engine of his car. He turns round, smiles at her... and …
'They were long and thin as water insects, but they had a slow, snake-like way of walking. They had shiny hair and sharp cheekbones. They were six women and two men...' When the American models le…
On the Polar ice-cap, 640 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle, the deadly, icy winds can freeze a man to death in minutes. But the survivors of the crashed airliner are lucky - they are rescued b…
There are so many things that a mother wishes to teach her daughter. How to lose your innocence but not your hope. How to keep hoping, when hope is your only joy. How to laugh for ever. This is the…
A pretty young girl has to leave home to make money for her family. She is clever and a good worker; but she is uneducated and does not know the cruel ways of the world. So, when a rich young man s…